Barnes, Steve
Bowers, Herb
Cramer, Chuck
Dubbs, Darryl
Fleagle, Denny
Fritz, George
Gutshall, Mike
Mathna, Rich
Myers, Phil - Vice President
Negley, Dustin
Reed, Mark
Ritchie, Phil - Secretary
Shaul, Jack
Shively, Troy - President
Shumway, Beverly
Pastoral Staff:
Pastor Rodney Bistline (non-voting)
Pastor Gary Hornbaker (non-voting)
Council Description: A group of men or woman who share the responsibility of providing leadership to the congregation.
- Must be in agreement with the doctrinal statement of the Church.
- Must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, be a role model, and live a consistent Christian life that is sustained by prayer and service.
- Must honor confidentiality and not share official or inappropriate information.
- Must demonstrate a positive and teachable attitude.
- Be a Pastor or on a Elder, Deacon, Trustee Committee.
- Promote good will, be a vital witness to the presence and reality of Christ.
- Make final decisions on Church finances and building and maintenance needs etc.
- Responsible for overseeing the committees of the church assigned to the Council.
- Consistently attend Council meetings and assigned committees.
- Be responsible for helping the Church when necessary.
- Council members usually serve on one or more committees.
- to follow out Council decisions.
Term of Service:
- Council members term runs as they are part of the Elders, Deacons, Trustee, or full time Staff Position.