Young Adult ministry

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  • Sunday Morning Class

    Post high school ages 18-25

    Sundays 9:45 - 10:45

    Location: the Annex

    Leaders: Phil Schiavoni, Cory Saylor

  • Wednesday Night Group

    Post high school ages (18-25)

    Wednesday 6:30 - 8:00

    Location: Lower Level of Crossroads Station

    Leaders: Troy and Sonja Shively

  • Young Adult Fellowship Meal

    Friday 5:00-10:00 PM (Sept - May)

    Navigator: Troy Shively


    Focus: Meal and fellowship.

    Group Type: College age young adults

    Location: Church Annex

  • Websites we recommend

    The Story.... How it all began and how it will never end. Following the Creation, Fall, Rescue, Restoration outline, this page shows how to personally begin with God and how that fits into His overall plan for the world.  Click Here